
Heat fund appreciates support this season

BRATTLEBORO — The Windham County Heat Fund thanks every individual, family, organization, business, and grant-funding organization that made the 2011-12 heating season a little more bearable for our friends and neighbors struggling to make ends meet.

• 150 individuals or families donated $25,114.

• 12 local organizations donated $5,188.50.

• The Thomas Thompson Trust made an $8,000 matching grant.

• Entergy Corporation's employee-run grant fund donated $5,000.

• Public events brought in $3,843.50.

The Heat Fund's total income was $47,146. We did not spend any money on administration. All fundraising efforts were done by volunteers.

The Heat Fund provided $46,844.94 in one-time emergency oil, wood, propane, and electricity to 101 local individuals or families.

We were able to provide heat for those who did not qualify for fuel assistance as well as for those receiving federal or state fuel assistance when their check did not arrive soon enough or when their allotment was not enough to make it through the heating season.

A special thank you to the staff of SEVCA for their collaboration and support and to all of the front-line people at Fleming Oil, Barrows and Fisher, and Merrill Gas.

We also appreciate the generosity of Rick Fleming; Bob and Booie Fagelson; The Marina; Michael Lacroix; the St. Michael's Episcopal Women; Guilford Community Church; Eugene Uman, Jane Findlay, and the Vermont Jazz Center; Laura Austan; Chris Grotke and Lise LePage at iBrattleboro.com; Steve West at WKVT; the Brattleboro Reformer; The Commons; Susan Monahan and the Thomas Thompson Trust; and Larry Smith and the Entergy Corporation.

Thank you all for being such a caring and generous community.

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