
With Douglas cancelling debates, why is Symington following suit?

WEST BRATTLEBORO — As the race for governor heats up, the very lifeblood of democracy is being drained away by Governor Jim Douglas with support from the Democratic candidate, Gaye Symington.

As recently as mid-August there were two dozen debates and forums scheduled for public meetings with the candidates. The topics ranged broadly, covering agriculture, health care, conservation, renewable energy, business, the economy, education, and more.

Recently the governor has cancelled five of these events, claiming scheduling conflicts, and Gaye Symington has used this as an excuse to withdraw her participation. So far no sponsor efforts to reschedule have been successful.

Independent candidate Anthony Pollina has pledged to be present for all debates and forums. One would hope that candidate Symington would join Pollina on stage to discuss the issues and where she stands.

Apparently, however, she is more interested in avoiding a real discussion with Pollina and in denying the voting public opportunity to learn firsthand about her style, her record, and her plans. Douglas's and Symington's cancellations do not keep with our state's Town Meeting tradition of involving citizens, nor do they keep with the spirit of Vermont supporting direct access to our elected officials.

Television advertising and sound bites do not fill the gap. How sad for the citizens of Vermont.

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