
Anonymity might encourage\working-class opinions

HALIFAX — Regarding the secretive Mr. X's article ["Working the Night Shift," The Commons, January] I'm not worried about "whom are you protecting" [Letters from Readers, February], but rather the precedent that you are setting. I have lots of things I'd like to comment on - anonymously! - but don't dare because of how small this community is (and my lack of a backbone).

I recall five years back the Reformer had a column where you could call in and state your opinion - anonymously - and they would print it! You finally had the voice of the working class commenting on things. I loved it! It was clear to me that working-class people don't have the time or skills to craft clever opinions on issues, and now they had a forum.

I'm not sure if it was the anonymity of the column or the ease of stating an opinion that attracted the (assumed) working-class writers, but they were clearly in my memory more conservative views than the Reformer or The Commons have. They were the voice of Vermont people without college degrees or trust funds.

So since you have set a precedent, how about it? Can I submit some secretive editorials? How about a call-in editorial line for those who "mite knot be abell to rite sew well"?

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