Selectboard roundup

Police station in full operation; Central Fire Station close to done

BRATTLEBORO — BRATTLEBORO - Town Manager Peter B. Elwell told the Selectboard on Oct. 3 that the Brattleboro Police Department is “fully operational at 62 Black Mountain Road,” the site of their new facility.

Selectboard Chair Kate O'Connor asked Elwell if any issues have come up at the new police station. None, other than adjusting to a new building, Elwell said, and added, “it's a first-class facility and it's working out as planned.”

At the West Brattleboro Fire Station, the contractor is preparing for the old building's demolition by doing some indoor work. “By mid-October, the old building will come down and the site work will proceed to create the parking lot,” including lighting and landscaping, Elwell said.

On Elliot Street, the Central Fire Station's renovations are mostly focused on work in the older parts of the building. “All of it is proceeding well,” said Elwell, who added, “no new issues have arisen or require any action by the Selectboard.”

Welcome Center pump station bid awarded

BRATTLEBORO - The Selectboard on Oct. 3 accepted Department of Public Works Director Steve Barrett's recommendation on the Welcome Center pump station bid.

The project will go to Penta Corporation in Moultonborough, N.H. Their bid came in lowest of the five submitted, at $316,400. Barrett noted the project engineers anticipated the project would cost $325,000.

The engineers conducted a background check on Penta Corp., and Barrett said the company has done work with Brattleboro's public works in the past, and they have experience with wastewater treatment plants.

The pump station, built more than 20 years ago by the state, was intended for the Welcome Center, Algiers Village, and the Delta Industries campus just over the town line into Brattleboro. But with Commonwealth Dairy and other industries placing more demand on the system, the state and the Selectboard agreed the town should take over operations.

Project funding will come from the state and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Barrett told the Selectboard.

Barrett said the contractor could begin some of the work in the next few weeks. The most important parts of the project will occur throughout October and November, with final work happening in the spring, he said.

This project, although approved by the Selectboard, is subject to approval by the state and the Federal Highway Administration.

Water safety grant

BRATTLEBORO - Town Manager Peter B. Elwell notified Selectboard members on Oct. 3 that the town received a $3,133.53 Special Operations Grant from the Vermont Department of Emergency Management.

This money will help the Brattleboro Fire Department purchase ice and water rescue equipment, including flotation jackets, rope, and a Global Positioning System unit.

Because of grant deadlines, Elwell authorized accepting the grant prior to the Selectboard meeting. He asked Board members to ratify his decision. They did.

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