
Selectboard chair clarifies VY town meeting stance

ROCKINGHAM — At the Feb. 2 Selectboard meeting, Chair Thom MacPhee responded to resident requests that an agenda item at the March 1 and 2 town meeting be added with regard to the relicensing of the Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee power station in Vernon after previously ruling that this “was not town business” and therefore would not be reconsidered.

MacPhee stated that he “couldn't recall what” he had said but that he didn't mean “it couldn't be considered as 'other business'” at the end of Town Meeting if enough interested people wanted to present it, he said.

Selectboard member Ann DiBernardo concurred, stating she felt “that voters should have an opportunity to voice their concerns.”

Residents were assured by MacPhee that if they brought the Vermont Yankee vote up as the last article on the warning, for other business, it would be considered at Town Meeting.

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