
Town declines bid on|Stockwell Park greenway

BRATTLEBORO —  The Selectboard voted Feb. 16 to reject a bid for the land that serves as a greenway that connects Western Avenue and Stockwell Park - at least for now.

During the public comment section of the Feb. 2 meeting, commission member Peter Gaskill asked the Selectboard to reject all bids for the property, telling the board that the commission only recently learned of the decision to sell.

Despite Gaskill's request, the Selectboard continued the process, opening one bid for $525 the next day from the  0.5-acre parcel's three abutting landowners.

But according to Town Manager Barbara Sondag, at the Feb. 16 meeting, the Selectboard decided to keep the land because of the low bid and because the abutters stated they  intended to keep the land as is.

Voters unanimously authorized the board to sell the parcel at the 2009 Annual Town Meeting.

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