
Moses and the land of milk and honey

BRATTLEBORO — Since the election, there has been a growing perception of deception on a massive scale. Just a year ago, despite the collapse of free-market capitalism, people seemed to be more upbeat, more ebullient. We all looked forward to an era of truth and meaningful government.

In a year, that feeling has been almost totally crushed, as one after another the promises of a year ago have been discarded, tossed into the gutter. We all had such high hopes after the years of moral desolation. The ardent Obama supporters of yesterday are today silently imploding. The strong leadership away from the immoral degradation of empire was all just words.

The logjam of Congress is understandably difficult to work within. However, placing people like Timothy Geithner, Lawrence Summers, Rahm Emanuel, and Dennis Ross in powerful positions was clearly indicative of the direction the administration would take — and its tone.

The long litany of quietly-announced policies — continuing rendition, torture, extrajudicial killings, resisting the prosecution of torturers, expanded wars — show the immorality of this presidency. But our leader is behaving himself, following instructions and being a good foot soldier for corporate America.

What rubs salt into the wound of deception is the spin and the lying and the shades of truth all playing like an ever-changing kaleidoscope. There is also the implied insult that we are too ignorant to see through this kaleidoscope. All the explanations fall easily and cleverly from Obama’s lips.

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize was obscene, especially when compared with the great personal courage of previous recipients. Attempts to justify war in the acceptance speech were grotesque. Subsequent cowardice in the face of corporate/military power only confirms Obama’s unworthiness.

Loyalty to corporate wishes is the one constant theme of the elected. It matters not whether it is a Democrat or a Republican president, or either party controlling both houses: the policies of the U.S. are those of corporate America. They are interchangeable and indivisible. The people have no say. Our vast pool of tax money is viewed as disposable income by the captains of commerce and industry.

This is not democracy.

Perhaps the biggest tragedy is all the millions of disaffected young people who were inspired by the lofty ideals, so eloquently enunciated. They came out in their legions to make the election happen.

Now the insidious knowledge of deception will sour a whole generation of voters. Obama supporters might stay away in droves next time ’round, immune to the imploring entreaties of preventing a Republican taking back the presidency.

What will be the next presidential theme in 2012? We have had some real doozies in the last four cycles. “A thousand points of light” from George Herbert Walker Bush, “bridge to the 21st century” from Slick Willie, “compassionate conservatism,” from Bush, and now change and hope from Moses. How about some “Pomp and Circumstance” to buoy up our fading imperial aspirations?

Fraud is the legacy. What great opportunity there was at the beginning of this presidency — what a great moment sadly squandered and gone forever.

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