
Come on, Selectboard, reconsider traffic light plan

BRATTLEBORO — The Brattleboro Selectboard made a mistake in agreeing to urban, mast arm traffic lights without even considering other options. It turns out that the electronics needed for safety can be accommodated by signals designed be compatible with the architecture of an area of historic significance.

Since a contract has not yet been signed to purchase the industrial monstrosities, isn't it common sense to at least check into the alternatives and compare prices before making a decision with a 50-year impact?

Come on, Martha O'Connor, can't we do better? Did you not run for the Selectboard hoping to make a difference? Won't you at least propose that the Selectboard check into other options and make the best possible choice?

Come on, Jesse Corum and Dick DeGray. Why is it so important to defend a mistake? Is that leadership?

There is very little time to correct this 50-year mistake. People who are concerned, without delay, should speak up at Selectboard meetings, with letters and with calls. Now is the time to make your voice heard, or forever live in a town with a downtown which has become more like Springfield.

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