
Memories of the Dunklees and their machine shop

MARLBORO — I want to express my appreciation to Fran Lynggaard Hansen for such a great tribute to Lester Dunklee.

My earliest remembrance of the R.E. Dunklee and Sons Machine Shop was in the 1940s, when I needed a push lawn mower repaired. In the shop I was quite fascinated by the long shaft overhead that powered the machines. There were various size pulleys along the shaft that were belted to power the machines below. I had been used to seeing belt powered machines on the farm.

On that first visit, R.E. Dunklee, Lester's grandfather, was there, along with a couple of other men, one of them possibly Lester's father, David.

Later, at Skyline Restaurant, I had a problem with my dishwasher. Lester, now the proprietor, was able to keep my operation going.

In the 1970s, a large group of Dunklees came to the Skyline to honor Robert E. Dunklee on his 96th birthday.

I understand how difficult Lester's decision to retire must be. I wish him well.

Richard Hamilton

Abby Mnookin

This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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