
Rockingham adopts new yard sale rules

ROCKINGHAM — Life just got a little more complicated with a new ordinance regarding yard sales.

Selectboard member Ann DiBernardo had raised concerns that remaining unsold items in yard sales were left at the edge of sidewalks “interminably, forever.”

Now, after Jan. 4, unsold items from yard sales, tag sales, garage sales, barn sales and porch sales must be removed from the property within three days, with nothing left in the public right of way. Owners will be billed at the highway department's discretion if personnel are forced to remove items.

The ordinance will place limits on how many times such sales may occur and their duration. They may occur only in the daylight, and “all items must be removed within five days” of the sale end. Any longer, and permits would be required and would be considered a permanent business governed by the Town of Rockingham zoning by-laws.

Signs may not be posted prior to 24 hours before the sale and must be removed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the sale. No signs may be posted on public property such utility poles, vehicle safety pole, sidewalks or curbs, all places formerly popular for the ubiquitous yard sale sign.

Violators will face fines of $100 for each offense, computed weekly. The person who owns the property or anyone who organizes or helps put on the sale will be held accountable.

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