Town and Village

West River Valley Thrives presents Youth Ally Award to Jennifer Matheson

TOWNSHEND-In 2022, West River Valley Thrives developed the Youth Ally Award to acknowledge those who work to support youth in the community.

"Studies show that youth who receive support from the adults in their community are more likely to live happier and healthier lives," the group said in a news release.

West River Valley Thrives collects nominations from community members and youth. For Thrives, a Youth Ally is "someone who shows up for youth where they're at - in school, after-school, at special events, and in the towns where they live; someone who helps youth amplify their voices by providing them with opportunities to explore current issues/events and to advocate for those they are passionate about; and who can and does speak to the needs of and challenges youth face today, when they are not present to speak for themselves."

This year, the winner of the Youth Ally Award is Jennifer Matheson, who Thrives called "a kind, creative, fun, positive, strong role model who truly cares about each person."

Among all her other commitments - in Scouting, the Bucketville News, and her work at Grace Cottage Hospital - she always has time for the kids. As a Scoutmaster for Troop 428, she has supported youth for many years on camping trips, completing merit badges, teaching life skills, and being a mentor to everyone.

"Her planning, patience and enthusiasm are contagious," Thrives said. "She encourages the scouts to work hard, engage with their community and develop into responsible, kind and well-rounded adults. Her efforts in organizing 'Sticker Shock' events, raising awareness about underage drinking to the broader population and facilitating conversations with participants about mixed messages from advertisers of alcohol and tobacco companies who target youth, showcase her passion for creating a safe community for young people."

West River Valley Thrives is a coalition whose mission is to create opportunities for meaningful contributions to support and promote healthy lifestyle choices with an emphasis on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use by young people. WRVT serves seven towns (and their associated villages) in the West River Valley that are part of the Windham Central Supervisory Union. For more information, visit

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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