
Kornheiser leads from her heart and mind to support working people in her policy decisions

BELLOWS FALLS-I consider myself fortunate to have graduated from Marlboro College and settled in Windham County. It's put me in the realm of incredibly smart and empathetic people. (If you're reading this, that probably includes you!)

Every once in a while, though, a few individuals rise to the top.

Emilie Kornheiser is one of them.

We are lucky to have Emilie representing us - all of us - in the Legislature. In the short time she has been in office, she has consistently proven herself as someone who studies, learns, listens, figures out, asks the right questions, and demands good answers.

While Emilie is diligent about gathering all relevant information and hearing multiple perspectives about an issue, she knows her own mind and is not easily manipulated. To me, this is leadership.

Emilie consistently demonstrates her immense knowledge about systems of power and how they can be used either to lift more people up - or keep most people down at the expense of the wealthy and powerful few.

I keep seeing her choose to support working people in her policy decisions. From knowing her personally for so long, and from hearing her tell her story, it's obvious why she leads both from her heart and from her mind: She has had some hard times where the only thing that has kept the proverbial wolf from the door is the love and kindness of other people.

We need people in the State House who do their homework. Who are comfortable talking with pretty much anyone. Who will incorporate new and ever-changing information into their decision-making. Who ask tough questions and demand good answers. Who stand firm even under - nay, especially under - pressure.

How about that - we already have that person in the State House. Her name is Emilie Kornheiser, and we would be smart to keep her there.

I can't vote for Emilie; I moved to Bellows Falls a few years ago. But you can. And you should, because I want people like Emilie looking out for me in the Legislature. Do it for me and for all of us, Brattleboro!

Wendy M. Levy

Bellows Falls

This letter to the editor was written for The Commons.

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