
Gartenstein: brings experience, knowledge, and compassion to issues of criminal justice

BRATTLEBORO-I am a long-term Brattleboro resident who has had the great pleasure to work closely with David Gartenstein for many years. He would be an excellent state legislator for Windham-9.

In his role as a deputy state's attorney, David engages with victims of crime in a compassionate and thoughtful way. He takes time to ensure victims are fully informed of their rights, the processes, and the timelines.

He prioritizes the desires of victims and their families in his decisions about how cases move forward. I have watched him spend many hours helping anxious young victims prepare for a courtroom experience. I am confident that all of these skills and traits will translate well to the Legislature.

One of the issues that our community is most concerned about is criminal justice. This is also perhaps one of the most polarizing topics among us, with many competing ideas for what is best.

David brings experience, knowledge, and compassion to this topic, and he will support legislation that affords compassion and care to those in need, while still making space for victims of crime to receive justice.

The most effective way to do so is to break these community needs out of silos and look at how they are interconnected.

David's vision includes that big-picture approach.

Alyssa Todd


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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