
Bard Owl featured in Evensong series

GRAFTON-On Sunday, Sept. 15, at 5:30 p.m. Bard Owl - T. Breeze Verdant and Annie Landenberger - will be featured performers in the Grafton Community Church's (GCC) 2024 Evensong Series.

In lieu of morning worship that Sunday, the church offers the Evensong tradition coordinated by GCC music minister Ken Olsson. Of the series, Olsson says, "we wanted to offer to the community a concert series with a touch of worship."

Bard Owl's playlist shows upbeat tunes mixed among jazz, ballads, rocking blues, sweet and slow tunes - new, old, original, familiar, unexpected. Verdant's sound, honed over 50 years, combines guitar, stomp box beats, and vocals. Landenberger adds percussion and voice which have been heard widely for decades in a range of styles - folk, classical, jazz, blues, and musical theater.

Folklore scholar, athlete, and circus performer Montana Miller describes Landenberger and Verdant, of Williamsville, as "the kind of singers who, like other artists we grew up singing along with, know how to embrace and gather an audience into the warmth and generous spirit of their music."

The duo will play tunes "centered on goodness in various manifestations."

All are invited to a community supper to follow in the lower level of the church.

The event is free, though offerings for both the concert and the meal are appreciated. Grafton Community Church at 55 Main St. is accessible with an elevator.

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