Racist acts grip region: Guilford teen charged under hate-crime laws as threat of violence looms over youth of color

The recent emergence of a group of Brattleboro Union High School students calling themselves the Nigger Hanging Redneck Association has brought longstanding racial tensions to the surface of a community struggling to understand how to respond appropriately and completely to such overt expressions of hate.

Amid community efforts to come together and roundly condemn racial hatred - and the assertions of some citizens of color that official responses to racist tensions from the school and the police have been insufficient - racial tensions have spilled beyond the halls of the school into the community at large.

A 17-year-old Guilford youth, named in court documents as a member of the NHRA, faces criminal charges as an adult for a June 18 confrontation wherein he allegedly threatened a group of minors with a gun.

A bicyclist discovered plywood signs spray-painted with racial epithets near nine plastic milk jugs filled with urine on a remote dirt road in Vernon.

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Librarian a ‘practical visionary’

Jerry Carbone honored as best in the state

Brooks Memorial Library Jerry Carbone's leadership has been recognized with the Vermont Library Association's 2008 Sarah Hagar Award, given yearly to a librarian in the state who has provided outstanding service. A 30-year veteran librarian at Brooks and director since 1993 who directs a thriving, multi-faceted program in times...

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How to view local video

In Brattleboro and Bellows Falls, the community access cable television stations can be found on the same locations on the Comcast cable network. The stations are funded as part of the contract negotiated between the communities and the cable provider, as provided by the 1984 Cable Franchise Policy and...

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