Creamed corn

• 6 ears of very fresh Vermont corn

• 4 tablespoons Vermont butter

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1 cup Vermont cream...

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Tomato surprise

You know how Anthony felt about Cleopatra? How PETA feels about fuzzy bunnies? Or Don Quixote felt about Dulcinea? That's how Ruth, my spouse and jewel of loveliness, feels about her tomatoes. She even has nicknames for them. She refers to them as her “maties.” I know this sounds...

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The lessons of Buddhism

Not long before I arrived back in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where I taught in 2005 and 2006, for an extended visit, a plethora of sad things happened throughout the world. There was the cyclone in Burma (Myanmar), the earthquake in China, the tornadoes in the American Southeast, fires in...

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