Bos-Lun reaches out to Brookline residents

I support Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun in her bid for reelection to a second term in the State House, to represent the Windham-3 District (Brookline, Westminster, and Rockingham).

I first interacted with Michelle when the House and Senate redistricting concluded. She reached out to express a willingness to meet and discuss issues that the citizens of Brookline might want to address.

In that discussion, she demonstrated knowledge of issues which are important to this district. She has also made time to knock on Brookline citizens' doors to introduce herself and learn our concerns.

She introduced herself at the polls in Brookline at the state primary election in August. She has made herself available via meet-and-greet sessions within the district.

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Bos-Lun: champions legislation to keep children and families safe

I support Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun in her bid for reelection to a second term in the State House. Since she took office in 2021, she has served on the House Committee on Corrections and Institutions, making recommendations supporting improvements for corrections policy, as well as housing and clean water...

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Coffey: addresses childhood education inequities

Sara Coffey has represented Guilford and Vernon since 2018, and in her work at the State House she always has in mind the best interests of our residents here in southern Vermont. As a parent of young children who recently attended private preschool programs, and as a public-school early-childhood...

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Coffey: brings Vernon and Guilford together

In the four years she has represented Vernon and Guilford as state representative, Sara Coffey has shown a remarkable ability to bring these two very different towns together. She has attended many meetings in both towns, holding “Coffee with Coffey” hours and meeting with the public regularly to listen to their concerns, all while continuing her important work in the Legislature. Sara has been a tireless volunteer in the local community, serving as an active member of the Grange and...

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Roberts: The word ‘politician’ doesn’t fit

I'm a close neighbor to Tristan Roberts. Living in the woods in Vermont, that's not saying much. I can't see his house from mine, but his family has a strong presence in our family's life that makes the distance feel short. We moved here about three years ago, and I kept hearing about Tristan before I met him. When we encountered the lack of Internet here, I was told, “Tristan's working on that on the broadband committee. Ask him how...

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Sheriff’s Office deputies return to courthouse

After a six-year pause, the Windham County Sheriff's Office will resume law enforcement coverage at the Superior Court at 30 Putney Rd. State law requires the Vermont Judiciary to establish security in courthouses. The Judiciary and Sheriff Mark Anderson signed an agreement in August to return one sworn deputy sheriff to the Superior Courthouse in Brattleboro. As described in a news release from the Sheriff's Office announcing the contract, this presence can help alleviate demand on the Brattleboro Police Department,

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‘Siegel is the only candidate I can imagine who could inspire me to vote for a Republican’

The Vermont Democratic Party should be ashamed of leaving Brenda Siegel in an uncontested primary to be the Democratic candidate for governor. Siegel has no visible record of accomplishments or experience that might make her a reasonable candidate for the highest office in the state. Her actions as director of the Southern Vermont Dance Festival landed her in Windham County's small claims court with at least one contractor (Vermont Superior Court, Windham Civil Division, docket number 149-8-16 WMSC). The case...

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Next Stage Bandwagon Series concludes with traditional Quebecois, Celtic music

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present an afternoon of traditional Quebecois and Celtic music by Canadian trio Genticorum and Italian quartet Gadan in the final concert of the 2022 Next Stage “Bandwagon Summer Series,” on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 3 p.m., at Cooper Field on Sand Hill Road. “Our 20th and final concert of the Bandwagon Summer Series highlights the signature features of the series - diverse musical genres, musicians from around the world, and a mix of...

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Around the Towns

Applications sought for FY24 human services funding BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee is accepting applications for fiscal year 2024 human services funding. The application, as well as instructions and guidelines, are posted on the Brattleboro town website - The deadline to submit applications to the Brattleboro Town Manager's Office via e-mail is Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 5 p.m. The information session regarding human services funding is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 5...

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Candidate statement: Partridge for assistant judge

I ask for your vote on Nov. 8 for the position of Windham County Assistant Judge. Many of you know me for my service as a state representative in the House of Representatives for the last 24 years. My goal has always been to listen to and serve the people of my district, and it has been the greatest honor to do so. My experience serving in Montpelier has prepared me well for the duties of assistant judge. As the...

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Coffey follows in the footsteps of Ron Squires

Before I met Sara Coffey, she called and brought her family to enjoy my collection of nativities, and we've been friends since then. Recently, she stopped by while I was going through some political books. Sara showed great interest in the books from my son Ron Squires's time in Montpelier, when he served as our state representative from Vernon and Guilford in the 1990s. Sara took some books home to read and keep. She enjoyed listening to stories about how...

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Coffey: trusted values, good government, hard work

I'm excited to vote for Sara Coffey for state representative in the upcoming Windham-1 race. Everything is more energized when we voters have a choice among candidates. We have an opportunity to activate our voice, to find alignment on issues that really matter, to think into the future a bit. When I consider what's at stake here in our district, there's no question that Sara will get my vote. Why? Three reasons: Because Sara stands for trusted values, like community,

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Pieciek: Please factor climate change into proposals for state pension funds

An open letter to Mike Pieciak, candidate for Vermont State Treasurer: As a retired schoolteacher, I'm grateful for my monthly check from the Vermont State Teachers' Retirement System (VSTRS), the funds of which are based in part on contributions I made while working. Administration of Vermont's pension funds will be part of your job if your candidacy for state treasurer is successful. I appreciate your support for divesting from fossil fuels in Vermont's pension funds, but I urge you to...

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Roberts: commitment to effective public service

Tristan Roberts has earned my support in the upcoming election to represent the Windham-6 district in the Vermont House of Representatives. Tristan has proven his commitment to effective public service. In recent years he has served as energy coordinator for the town of Halifax. He chairs Halifax's Broadband Committee, which is making remarkable progress toward bringing reliable internet service to our town. Tristan also serves on the Halifax Selectboard. Tristan has grown into this position with grace, civility, and equanimity.

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What will be the lasting legacies of Covid?

As the new Covid booster becomes available, it's good to see eligible people lining up to receive it. In addition to providing a new layer of protection against the virus, the vaccine is a reminder that the Covid pandemic is not over, despite changes in safety protocols that contribute to continued resistance to preventive behavior change. More frequently now people are unmasked in places that leave us vulnerable to infection and, if we aren't careful, we could see a resurgence...

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Coffey: a do-er and communicator who cares deeply about our towns

Guilford and Vernon are extremely lucky to be represented in Montpelier by Sara Coffey. Sara has now been working on our behalf for four years, and during that time she has brought so much to the job: hard work, integrity, and a willingness to listen respectfully to all points of view. She has built into her schedule regular opportunities to discuss issues with constituents - “Coffee with Coffey.” Sara not only communicates with constituents, she works for them. Whether it's...

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Births • Mollie Burke and Peter Gould of Brattleboro are pleased to announce the birth of a granddaughter, Waverly Anita Gould, on Sept. 23. She joins her older sister, Skyler Egret Burke Gould. Her parents, Lindy and Willie Gould, reside in Rye, New York. Willie is a 2002 graduate of Brattleboro Union High School. Waverly is the niece of Eli and Jessica Gould and cousin of Calvin, Eva, and Delia Gould of Brattleboro. Transitions • Youth Services has added clinician...

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Pianist Chonghyo Shin performs at Brattleboro Music Center

Pianist Chonghyo Shin, a longtime member of the Brattleboro Music Center faculty, will offer a program Sunday, Oct. 16, including Bach's “French Suite,” two Schubert Impromptus, and three Chopin Etudes, with additional selections by Grieg, Albeniz, and Debussy. The concert is scheduled for 3 p.m. Admission is by donation, with proceeds benefiting the BMC Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Shin joined the BMC faculty in 1980 and says of her years on the faculty, “Playing and teaching piano are my passion!” Her...

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Hashim: a peacemaker and a consensus-builder

I support Nader Hashim for state Senate, a candidate who brings together kindness and competence, humility, and insight. Political conversation is often harsh and divisive these days. Differences can turn quickly into personal attacks. Nader Hashim is a peacemaker and a consensus-builder. Recently, when Nader met with some community members in Guilford, I was so impressed with his curiosity as a listener and by his thoughtful, deliberate responses to thorny questions. There were no talking points, no set pieces -

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Coffey: offered support for businesses during Covid

I happily endorse Sara Coffey for state representative for the Windham-1 district. As a small-business owner and citizen of Guilford, I think back to when Covid first started to shut down our local economy. Sara personally reached out to offer support, as she was keenly aware of how hard it was going to be on the area's small businesses. She continued to check in throughout the worst of the pandemic, and I think it helped people to understand that there...

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Coffey: keeps elections secure and election officials safe

A vote for Sara Coffey is a vote for a compassionate, hard-working representative of all of the people in Vernon and Guilford.Her dedication to making our district and state better and more inclusive has been a hallmark of her time in office. She has worked to make it easier to vote while making sure elections are secure and helping to pass legislation to keep election officials safe. As a former election official for years, I never worried about being attacked...

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Hashim and Harrison: indispensable advocates for county’s growth, sustainability

As we consider the range of challenges Windham County faces in these next few years, it's essential to have two state senators who will work proactively and collaboratively to support all community members. I believe that Nader Hashim and Wendy Harrison are a dynamic team who display the energy and creativity needed: • Nader has extensive experience in criminal justice reform and fair and impartial policing. His impressive experience includes being a Vermont state trooper and a state representative who...

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Hashim, Harrison will represent us well in Montpelier

I'm proud to support Nader Hashim and Wendy Harrison in their races to represent Windham County in the state Senate. In the years I've known Nader - as a state trooper and state representative - I've seen his thoughtful, compassionate, and inquisitive approach. He will be dedicated to his constituents, listen with an open mind, and serve with integrity. Wendy is passionate about good government and using her skills to help Vermonters. As a leader with the Windham & Windsor...

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Southern Vermont Flannel Festival features crafts, music, and lots of pie

On Oct. 15, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Oct. 16, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Rockingham Hill Farm, 34 Meetinghouse Road, the Great Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce will host its third annual Southern Vermont Flannel Festival. “Surround yourself with pies, cider, craft beer, pies, cocktails, pumpkins, food and craft vendors, and more pies, even a pie contest, and beautiful Vermont foliage as we celebrate community and welcome autumn surrounded by the vistas of the Vermont...

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Harrison and Hashim: will continue tradition of great leadership

Our region has been well served by having Jeanette White and Becca Balint as our state senators for years. They are both smart, experienced, respected leaders who were effective both individually and as a team. We have an opportunity in the current election to send to Montpelier another team of senators who bring different backgrounds and particular skills in support of their shared values and vision. Wendy Harrison and Nader Hashim will continue the tradition of excellent Senate leadership from...

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Coffey: will work diligently on global climate issues

Though I had met her much earlier, I first got to know Sara Coffey when I drove her around Vernon as she campaigned to become the state representative for Windham-1. I was impressed by her ability to connect with and listen to people, whether or not they shared similar political views. I believe she understands the needs of Vermonters and has proven so repeatedly in the bills she has sponsored and supported in her years in office. I believe the...

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Roberts: prepared to make the right decisions

What qualities would I like to see in my state representative? A few would be integrity, transparency, willingness to vote by issue and not by party, and acumen in how both government and the private sector work. I see these qualities in Tristan Roberts, who is running for state representative for Windham-6. My confidence in him comes from personal experience. Tristan knocked on my door and sought out my input, both as a Whitingham resident and in my role in...

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Harrison: Montpelier needs the gift of her understanding about housing

My parents in 1940 migrated from upper New York State to Long Island. I grew up in a Levitt & Sons' house in the neighborhood called the Roslyn Country Club. I did not fall in love with my neighborhood, because I would rarely meet our neighbors. None of the houses had front porches that would have reduced the isolation. My parents' annual trips back to their previous homes in the Syracuse area, populated with old houses with porches and friendly...

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Brattleboro Town Clerk offers voting information

For the Nov. 8 general election, Brattleboro voters will be receiving an absentee ballot. The state of Vermont mailed these out during the week of Sept. 26.This ballot will also contain on the reverse side the local justice of the peace ballot. I strongly urge you to review the ballot, make your choices, and return it to the Town Clerk's office as soon as possible. If you have not received your ballot, please contact our office at 802-251-8157 or [email protected].

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Coffey: Always there for Vernon school families

Over the last four years, I have seen how our state representative, Sara Coffey, has been an outspoken advocate for the taxpayers of Vernon. As a school board member, I have seen her tirelessly work to keep the board in the loop of what was going on in Montpelier and to ensure that our interests are well met. In my opinion, Sara has been continually attentive to the needs of families at Vernon Elementary School. She is always there when...

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Coffey: Accomplishments have exceeded expectations

In 2018, I decided to actively support Sara Coffey in her run for office. I did not know Sara well, but I initially liked her as a person and found common ground in her stated values, her priorities, and her willingness to seriously consider differing views. Admittedly, my support for her was primarily riding on hope rather than demonstrated accomplishments. Now, four years later, my commitment to helping her stay in office is firmly entrenched. I don't have the space...

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Wessel: sensible leadership while unbeholden to major parties

Research Tim Wessel, and one of the first statements you are likely to come across says that he wants to be “a voice for those who want less rhetoric and more collaboration.” Yes, Tim: As a former Windham Southeast Supervisory Union and Windham Southeast School District board member, this is exactly what I want. Tim is an independent candidate - one who believes that people, their needs, and their ideas are fluid and cannot be neatly packaged into one of...

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Bos-Lun: Work with Humanity Network is so telling about her

I support Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, a teacher and restorative justice practitioner, who is seeking a second term in the Vermont House of Representatives. In spring of 2021, Michelle and I gathered a group of concerned neighbors - now known as the Humanity Network - to address issues that arise in the community through creative communication and to offer support. Since those first Zoom gatherings, we have co-sponsored, with Rockingham and Westminster public libraries, communication training with Restorative Community Practice of...

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What’s happening to Guilford political lawn signs?

I live on Route 5 in Guilford and recently the lawn signs for political candidates seem to have disappeared along most of the road! Sara Coffey's team just put up theirs, with the property owner's permission, and I realized that not only were my signs for David Zuckerman and Becca Balint gone, no one else seemed to have theirs, either. Sara's recently installed signs are the only ones out there. Has someone taken it upon themselves to remove such signs?

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Broad-brush remark only further divides our politics

Jim Dandeneau, executive director of the Vermont Democratic Party, has said, “We know the Vermont Republican Party is filthy with insurrectionist sympathizers.” What possible general good was Dandeneau thinking would come from this broad-brush remark? Is the thought of Vermonters becoming ever more divided, ever more uncivil to one another (as use of the word “filthy” certainly helps to further), a strategy Dandeneau is pursuing? It certainly seems so. While as a rule I vote for (and sometimes contribute to)

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Mrowicki: effective presence and civil discourse

It takes courage to read the news these days. Divisiveness, fear, and anger are rampant. These reactions especially affect politics - and sometimes they create a sense of unsurmountable polarization. Fortunately, in this charged atmosphere, State Rep. Mike Mrowicki (Windham-4) provides a reassuringly reliable presence, effectively serving all of us at the state and local levels. For 16 years, Mike has been engaging in civil discourse to find ways forward together in Vermont, especially on hot topics like civil rights,

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Candidate statement: Chase for Windsor-Windham state rep

My name is Heather Chase and, as a Democrat, I am a candidate for the Vermont State Legislature from the Windsor-Windham District to represent all of you in Montpelier. I am excited by this opportunity to seek to serve my community and have enjoyed meeting many of you in my campaign throughout the district in the towns of Athens, Chester, Grafton, and Windham. I want you to know a bit about me and my family and my community involvement. I...

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The Reproductive Liberty Amendment, as seen through the eyes of a lawyer

I recently heard some of the objections to Proposal 5/Article 22. If it passes in November, this ballot measure will amend the Vermont Constitution to explicitly protect reproductive freedom, which necessarily includes abortion. Here's my attempt to respond to those objections, based on my professional experience studying and practicing law and informed by my personal experience wrestling with the weight of that freedom after two contraception failures, a topic I hope to tackle in another piece. The thrust of the...

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Dominos to topple at BMAC on Oct. 16

The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) presents the 15th annual Domino Toppling Extravaganza on Sunday, Oct. 16, at 5:30 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. The event is generously sponsored by the historic Latchis Hotel & Theatre. Free event parking is available at 28 Vernon Street. No backpacks or strollers are allowed at the event. Veteran domino toppler and YouTube superstar Lily Hevesh and three other highly accomplished domino artists - Brady Dolan, Nathan Heck, and Chris Wright -

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Paying homage to early jazz and swing

At the Vermont Jazz Center, we are pleased to present vocalist Catherine Russell in concert on Saturday, Oct. 15. Russell will be performing with her working quartet, a group of musicians dedicated to creating energetic interpretations of blues and swing music, including Matt Munisteri on guitar, Sean Mason on piano, and Tal Ronen on acoustic bass. Russell has earned two Grammy nominations for Best Vocal Jazz Album and won a Grammy for her contribution to the soundtrack of the HBO...

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Local Afghan refugees exhibit their artwork

This past August, downtown Brattleboro became the site of 17 temporary murals made by local members of the Afghan-led artist collective known as the ArtLords. Created with support from the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) and in collaboration with the Providence-based public-art group Tape Art, the murals paid homage to ArtLords murals in Kabul that had been destroyed by the Taliban in 2021. The five ArtLords members who reside in Brattleboro-Marwa, Negina, Meetra, Zuhra, and Abdullah-will join other local...

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43 artists reimagine 43 books in RE-covery II

Artists, artisans, and architects working in all media and from all over the country were recently invited by Art Around Books, a new gallery and workshop space in Bellows Falls, to participate in “RE-covery II: 43 Artists Re-imagine 43 Books.” According to a news release, the participants were asked to select a book that has been important to their creative processes - for better or worse - and “artistically alter” the cover and contents. Local artists include Eric Aho, Brian...

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‘A walk into the unknown’

The New England Youth Theatre's been through some significant changes recently. It's been stressful and, no doubt, turbulent at times, but the drama has settled with a new board in place and a new artistic director, Malia'Kekia Nicolini. An actor, director/choreographer, and teaching artist, Nicolini has been working with NEYT for the last four years exercising their focus on the power of play as a developmental tool for young people. With a bachelor of fine arts degree in music theater...

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The best get better

A high school student's athletic career is short, and the prospect of missing a substantial chunk of a season to injury can be a disappointing and frustrating experience. One such story is that of Jesse Darrell, a junior at Bellows Falls Union High School. He was going to be one of the featured running backs on the varsity football team this season, but he broke his collarbone during a non-contact drill at a football camp in Rutland just before the...

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Ready for another century of service

In 2014, a group of townspeople received the first estimate on the repairs that would need to be made to the Broad Brook Grange building to bring it up to code and to serve the town and the region for the next century. Bobbie Fitch Haumann recalls that the estimate came in at $750,000. “Oh, if that had only been true!” she says with a chuckle. Bringing a 127-year-old building up to date would require an elevator, a sprinkler system,

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Amid soaring opioid use, options for recovery

Opioid use has been on a steep increase in Vermont, with a 44% rise in emergency department visits for opioid overdoses between 2018 - a bad year in its own right - and 2021. The average age for a first visit due to an overdose is 38, and 60% are male, and repeat visits are on the rise. Approximately 15% of those who have gone to an ER for an opioid overdose will have a repeat visit, 50% of those...

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Housing crisis looms in race for governor

Politicians of all stripes, up and down the ballot, running in Vermont's busiest election cycle in years agree on one thing: Top of mind for most voters is the state's housing crisis. But they do not necessarily agree about how to solve it. And nowhere are the differences in vision more stark than in this year's gubernatorial contest. Thanks in large part to a massive influx of federal cash during the pandemic, Gov. Phil Scott's administration, in partnership with the...

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